Meet Your Guide
How exciting for you to consider a meet and greet with a current spirit guide that is working with you right now. We all have spirit guides who work with us as we walk our life path. Some of them are with us for life and some are with us briefly to just support a period of our life at that time. It is these brief and fleeting guides that I connect with. Our life guides continue to work alongside and via connection with our new passing guides it further supports your souls journey as you connect deeper with them during their time with you. There are many types of guides that may be supporting us, these are Arch Angels, Angels, Animals, Dragons, Fairies, Departed loved ones to name a few.
We all have free will and can ask for a guide to come and support us with whatever may be going on for us at that time. There are some guides who are working with countless humans at once. This reading helps you to meet one of your current guides, so you may feel their presence more clearly. I use my clairs, automatic writing, reiki and magic to access this information. What you will receive is a write up with a description of your guide and a guidance message that they would like to pass on to you.
For this purchase I will need you to provide your email address and your first name so that I can send you a written report.
A little about me… I live in Amsterdam and am Witchypoo an empath psychic/medium, I have a Masters degree in Herbology and in Nursing I connect closely with plants. Being a clinical herbalist, I often call on the energy of herbs to provide deeper healing and knowledge. I am a Reiki Master trained in both traditional and western Reiki. I love crystals and am a Crystal Reiki Master. I love to learn and I love to shine my light to make others feel empowered to be their best selves.
Readings do not replace professional advice as each person has free will and can change their own destiny at any time. For entertainment purposes only.
With love and light
Saskia (aka) Witchypoo