Reiki and Akashic Reading


The Akashic records are a history to our soul, it is loosely translated from its Sanskrit roots and it means ethers or ‘that which holds all’. What it basically is, is a ‘database’ of information. It's cool because it transcends all realms and dimensions and can be thought of as a massive library of information. Also the records can be viewed as a celestial mirror that might in some ways reflect our choices and desires. Sometimes they help us to understand how these choices have inpacted us, like we might be an accountant but want to be a builder, it is then that the unchosen work makes us unhappy and depletes us through the day. It can help to release ancestoral debt, which frees yourself and can open you to blessings. It can identify strengths, but also the crap we don't so much want. When we don't address the imbalances they can play out as physical or emotional issues. Learn to understand yourself deeper and start afresh making choices aligned with your heart and true nature. I invite you.

You are welcomed to the record room which is guarded by dragons and crystal towers along with three beautiful guides who I trust to look after your information. Come look and see what has made you tick.

For this purchase I will need you to provide your email address and your first name so that I can send you a written report.

A little about me.. Witchypoo has a Masters in Herbology and Nursing and is an empath and a psychic/medium. Being a clinical herbalist, I often call on the energy of herbs to provide deeper healing and knowledge. I am a Reiki Master trained in both traditional and western Reiki. I seriously love crystals and am a Crystal Reiki Master. I love to learn and I love to shine my light to make others feel empowered to be their best selves.

IF a service is not here that you have seen before please email as I do have other readings or can taylor to your needs.

Readings do not replace professional advice, each person has free will and can change their own destiny at any time. For entertainment purposes only.

With love and light
Saskia (aka) Witchypoo
Instagram @witchypoo75